Despre mine
I am 61 years old and am in good shape for my age. I stay in shape by running and doing
Tai Chi. I drink socially but not to excess.
6 feet tall 185 pounds dark complexion brown eyes salt and pepper hair
Ce caut
I am looking for mature women, married or not, young or old, who are not afraid to talk to
a man about anything and everything. In other words, I am looking for something hard to
find, women who can be a true friend to a man.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Alin-Steaua!

31 ani
Tulcea - Romania
sunt un tip distractiv imi place mult sa calatoresc sa ma distrez .

36 ani
Tulcea - Romania
sunt multe cred dar nau mai stam acuma sa mai scriem nu......lasam totul la apre

42 ani
Tulcea - Romania
Sunt, deci exist..fac, deci nu stau degeaba...dreg, deci ... restul descoperiti

42 ani
Tulcea - Romania
nu prea mai am ce sa mai spun despre mine......sunt vesel, imi place sa am cat m