Despre mine
A nice person,high sense of humor. Ready to discover and try new things. Easy going
person, too much of me to describe just in few words!!!
.....just fine!!!
Ce caut
Looking to know Romanian Girs who can speak 'some' English!! Specially Hunedoara
county,where is my friend from!! =Possibly a trip to Romania ..........:sometime!=
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui andreiutz85!

35 ani
Arad - Romania
I love life in general, i have many friends in many cities, i'm very active and

38 ani
Arad - Romania
ce sa zic sunt brunet si va l-as pe voi femeile sa decideti cum arat va poop

33 ani
Arad - Romania
incearca sa ma cunosti si apoi fa-ti o parere despre m-a judeca de la p

43 ani
Arad - Romania
nu am ce sa zic de mine ... se vede si nici macar importanta .. nu am complexe

32 ani
Arad - Romania
anyone who knows me says the best words....the rest is up to you to discover...

41 ani
Arad - Romania
sunt asa cum sunt...poate mai bun...poate mai rau...asta o va decide...doar pers