Despre mine
Vibrant, thoughtful, generous, empathic, emotional, reflective, considerate, adventurous,
always learning! Physical contact is a MUST for me we didn't get put on this earth with a
sense of touch to waste it, so if you don't like touching don't bother typing! Was fun
ski-ing at New Year in Poiana :-)
I keep myself fairly fit and active through participation in advenurous sport and
enjoyment of the outdoor environment as I live in the middle of one of our beautiful
National Parks when I'm not working in London. Recently started a new job and ready for
the next emotional experience in my life ;)
Ce caut
I have no set ideal about who I'm looking for, but the basis of the relationship must be
about mutual attraction, friendship and trust; a desire to spend quality time with each
other, a respect for each other's needs; physical, psychological and emotional. Share the
breath of life with me ;)
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Bokus!

34 ani
Bihor - Romania
Sunt un tip mai romantic si ma urasc pt asta :),sunt dinamic cu simtul umorului,

31 ani
Bihor - Romania
Cand binele si raul se ciocnesc asupra mea, ma vezi renascand intr-o pasare Pheo

32 ani
Bihor - Romania
calea mea cea mai optionala este sa ne cunoastem personal cred eu ca as e cel ma

33 ani
Bihor - Romania
linistit,echilibrat,cu bun simt,cateodata visator. romantic si pasional.

36 ani
Bihor - Romania
Mie greu sa fac o descriere obiectiva.Cind vine vorba despre noi intotdeauna sun