Despre mine
Im Shan,cool good lookin tattoo artist from Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
im evarage good lookin.... energetic,sexy,romantic, and so on..... u la say how am I looks
Ce caut
Im lookin for couple.... no matter married couple, attached couple, friends, lesbian
couple or gay couple for friendship,fun,sex,long term relationship... on
misunderstand.....k..... i need a good lookin open minded couple....(not funny funny
aaa)... in a good manner.... sayonara............
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui fox_mih!

40 ani
Bihor - Romania
imi plac plimbarile sub clar de luna, but naked; sunt un artist, disting rosu de

43 ani
Bihor - Romania
nefumator, nebautor alcool, romantic dar analitic totodata... CER : ASEMENEA !!!

43 ani
Bihor - Romania
Cateva cuvinte despre mine ; sunt un tip foarte amabil ami palce mult distractia

43 ani
Bihor - Romania
If you are interested in writing to me, so just ask anything you want, I'll answ

38 ani
Bihor - Romania
i-mi place sa fac lumea sa se simta bine in jurul meu,imi place sa fac glume . M

40 ani
Bihor - Romania
Ma pasioneaza multe chesti una ar fi gatitul adica fac magie in bucatarie sunt u