Despre mine
Not sure really what to write here, I'm a caring intelligent, witty guy who enjoys an
evening out at a restaurant where you can have a really cosy chat. I dont mind pubs and
clubs. I love to ski I try to go twice a year. Love hiking in Wales, the peace and quiet
blows me away. I go jogging twice a week but I cant say I enjoy it, I have my own house
and enjoy doing the odd bit of Diy. What do I look for in a woman, intelligence, a wicked
sense of humour and love for life, positive outlook and someone willing to give anything a
go, well within reason!!
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui Gabriel25!

40 ani
Tulcea - Romania
Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez: Nu te iubesc pentru ceea ce esti, ci pentru ceea ce

35 ani
Tulcea - Romania
i was born with an enormous need for affection and a terrible need to give it. a

35 ani
Tulcea - Romania
only human, try to find a better way of life... happiness ain't at the end of th

33 ani
Tulcea - Romania
cred ca sunt un tip simpatic, putin mai timid, care iubeste sinceritatea intr-o

41 ani
Tulcea - Romania
Sunt mihaipatrik si vreau sa ma distrez fara nu singur, bin

39 ani
Tulcea - Romania
optimist , misterios,umil,spontan, copilaros ,romantic si cu un dezvoltat simpt

35 ani
Tulcea - Romania
ochii mei albastri in care vezi rasaritul unei zi de vara :))) TEST Tu de ce ai