Despre mine
I'm a simple girl.In life i follow my own principles. I get through difficult times
because after rain always comes the rainbow. As any man I have certain expectations from
life and from the people around me.I like everything new.I'm still a child in my heart who
enjoys the simple things.
I'm blonde. I have brown eyes. I'm pretty tall and pretty athletic. I always took care of
my body. First impressions count and you should always have a pleasant appearance.
Ce caut
A real man, a man who is able to respect and love a woman not for her physical appearance
but her soul. I want a man to tell me that he love my smile and my way of being not my
body.I want a man to love me and accept me with all my faults.A man to be with me when I
need it,a man who understand me.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui inna_morena!

38 ani
Calarasi - Romania
O persoana normala,extrem de sincera,dornica de noi cunostinte.

31 ani
Calarasi - Romania
0 fata caracter si la care i place sa se distreze....

66 ani
Calarasi - Romania
simpatica si vorbareata...mereu pusa pe foarte zambareata:)...ador sa r

46 ani
Calarasi - Romania
nici urata ,nici frumoasa,cinstita,iubitoare de adevar,de natura si de tot ce e

54 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Odata visam ca eram fluture, zburand incoace si-ncolo, cu toate intentiile si sc

33 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Sant o persoana sincera si de treaba cu cine merita respect ! rog baietii cu gan

32 ani
Calarasi - Romania
afectuoasa, destul de placuta dar mai presus de orice, dornica pentru un nou ine

48 ani
Calarasi - Romania
Tipa foarte dificila, pasionata de calculatoare si literatura (combinatia perfec

55 ani
Calarasi - Romania
20 ani, cu imbunatatiri sociale relevante, datorita cursului firesc al vietii .