Despre mine
The best people improve the world through their life's work. Surround yourself with smart,
industrious, and energetic people.No need to lie/cheat.Skeptical of any religion, I oppose
unnecessary government regulation;I proudly support gay and lesbian rights.Have no fear.Be
confident.Be compassionate.
Athletics are important ....
Ce caut
I luv Romania ;) My ideal woman is intelligent, energetic, athletic, feminine and
steely... she's a self-motivated leader, loyal, and supportive.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui nelu x!
42 ani
Vrancea - Romania
sunt un baiat prezentabil fizik si moral si sunt in cautare de o pers pe gustul
39 ani
Vrancea - Romania
I like to have friends, to travel, have fun, also I like cultural and everything
30 ani
Vrancea - Romania
Se intampla in viata sa iubesti dar sa fii ranit ... iti iei viata de la capat,
38 ani
Vrancea - Romania
Altii spun despre mine ca as fi o persoana placuta si loiala. Dar te provoc sa d
37 ani
Vrancea - Romania
Buna ma numesc Balan Vasile am 19 ani, sunt student anul 4 la colegiul de inform
34 ani
Vrancea - Romania
Goodlooking and happy man in search for classy and decent woman to enjoy life mo