Despre mine
I am a self employed Business man, based in Ireland but I spends 60% of my time travelling
abroad, including a lot of time in Romania. I would consider myself, open, cheerful,
charming, direct, honest, fun loving, romantic, full of energy, out going and generous.
I am tall (183) and well built. I am very conscious of my appearance and I always try to
be well groomed, dressed and presentable.
Ce caut
I would love to meet that someone "special" how makes me smile (inside and outside) when
I think of her and who in turn smiles when she thinks of me.
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui omg!
42 ani
Teleorman - Romania
nu incerca sa intri cu forta in sufletul meu.Sunt cioburi ale viselor mele,sfara
35 ani
Teleorman - Romania
lumea spune ca sint un caracter puternic,o persoana de incredere...mai departe d
42 ani
Teleorman - Romania
Sunt o persoana sincera, sociabila, plina de viata si cu simtul umorului. Cel ma
41 ani
Teleorman - Romania
eu............sunt un baiat de treaba si descurcaret si imi place ca persoana de
43 ani
Teleorman - Romania
buna ziua.sunt un francez care invat romaneste. iubesc romania si vreau sa vorbe
31 ani
Teleorman - Romania
inteligent,cu bun simt,nebunatic, spontan,nonconformist hobbyuri: psihologie,cal