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Despre mine
It have to make click! Then I am all yours! The only one u have to share me is my
company.... but therefore I could offer u a lot of travelling and new experiances...
I am looking foreward for an lovely and deep partnership! Or something exciting ;-)
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui piticuu59!

38 ani
Alba - Romania
Find the real love.....someone who wants to live with me in the Netherlands

40 ani
Alba - Romania
Cinste, onoare, corectitudine.... perfectionist, detest prostii, incultii, redus

32 ani
Alba - Romania
Hi, I'm an engineer and I'm in Timisoara and Bucarest for some days to work! I'm

40 ani
Alba - Romania greu...haios, aiurea intre prieteni...plin de viatza...!!!