Despre mine
Find it out :-) - you can write in English, German or Romanian - Romanian I can read, but
it is hard for me to write it by myself ;-) Well, so we have to skype/talk in yahoo by
time :-) - By the way, the line on my profile pic is the equator-line in south America
Ce caut
I'm looking for interesting people in Romania, my real home country - Romania is one of
the nicest places in the world! I am very often there and I hope to make some good
connections here...
Mesajul tau a fost trimis cu succes lui seba nejoiu!
43 ani
Giurgiu - Romania
sunt un baiat de treaba simpatic , mai multe poti afla tu de la mine ...
32 ani
Giurgiu - Romania
...pentru a fii un nimeni,intai trebuie sa fii cineva..asculta si parerea prostu
44 ani
Giurgiu - Romania
baiat sincer , atletic imi place sa imi lucrez muschii la sala sa am o femeia ca